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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Nauticos on TV Tonight- Israeli Submarine Dakar

Mysterious Disappearance of Israeli Sub Dakar Solved in
World Premiere National Geographic Channel Documentary

Dramatic Underwater Footage from Nauticos' DAKAR Expedition

(Washington, D.C.- October 14, 2002) The tragic loss of the Israeli
submarine DAKAR on its maiden voyage in 1968, and the discovery by
Nauticos Corporation thirty years later, is the subject of a National
Geographic Channel (NGC) underwater documentary that will air Friday,
November 29th at 8 p.m. (ET/PT) on NGC.  The world premiere of Mystery
of the Dakar highlights Friday on the Rocks, a special day of episodes 
from Mysteries of the Deep, the NGC series that takes viewers
under the waves to investigate lingering mysteries about epic marine
battles, fabled shipwrecks, lost treasures, and last voyages.

The DAKAR was a WWII T-class boat, built by the British, and sold to
the Israelis after modifications, upgrades, and sea trials.  In 1968,
the DAKAR was en route to Haifa via Gibraltar on its maiden voyage for
delivery to the operational fleet.  During this transit, communications
inexplicably ceased and the submarine was never heard from again.
Decade long efforts to locate the sub and determine its fate proved

Under contract for the Israeli Navy, Nauticos Corporation along with
subcontractors Williamson & Associates, Inc. and Phoenix International,
Inc., set out to find the DAKAR in May of 1999.  The submarine was
found resting at depth of 10,000 feet in the Mediterranean badly
damaged, but recognizable.  Its discovery triggered an outpouring of
relief from the families of the 69 lost sailors.  At last, the fate of
their husbands, sons and brothers was known.

The following year, Nauticos and a team of forensic experts returned to
the site.  The team raised the bridge and conning tower of the Israeli
submarine, returning it to Haifa to create a memorial, and conducted an
extensive forensic investigation to determine the cause of the sinking.

Mystery of the Dakar takes viewers under the sea with Nauticos' 
recovery mission and combines archival materials, compelling interviews
and footage from inside an Israeli submarine to shed new light on the
sinking of the INS DAKAR.

Mystery of the Dakar  is a production of National Geographic Today. 

For National Geographic Today, the Executive Producer is Mark Nelson,
Writer/Producer is Jacques Grenier.  For National Geographic Channel,
the Executive Producer is Andrew C. Wilk.

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