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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Submarine Prowling Lake - Caveat Lector: Hoax or Early Warning?

And Mom & Dad were so surprised the first time they saw me on the news,
and I wasn't wearing handcuffs!


Don't worry, be happy!

Michael B Holt wrote:

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:00:56 -0800 Doc <doc@bionicdolphin.com> writes:
>> Who said you were dead?
> The tabloid "the Star".

Isn't that sort of writing the kind of thing that makes lawyers
very, very rich?

>  If you really want a laugh,
> read this,  Another shining example of bad amateur reporting .

I always thought they were professionals writers who couldn't get
a real job.

> I appologize
> for going off on a rant, but these jornalists can really piss me off
and they
> create nothing but hassles for those of us that just want to have
>fun playing  with our somewhat unusual toys

I do understand.   All my life I've been misrepresented, too.   I just
made it into a newspaper, for which I have always been grateful.


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