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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Submarine Prowling Lake - Caveat Lector: Hoax orEarly Warning?

Maybe its true and we should all get Govt. Funding to construct our own
fleet of counter-terroism PSUB's .  After all
"they're not sure how many subs might be down there. There could be dozens
of these things"

A fleet of privately owned / operated PSUB's is just what is needed I



J. Barlow CET
Sr. Mechanical Designer
BJ Pipeline Inspection

Ph  (403) 531-5412
Fax (403) 236-8740
Cell (403) 807-2195

|         |           "Herve"                   |
|         |           <caribsub@coqui.net>      |
|         |           Sent by:                  |
|         |           owner-personal_submersible|
|         |           s@psubs.org               |
|         |                                     |
|         |                                     |
|         |           26/11/2002 10:53 AM       |
|         |           Please respond to         |
|         |           personal_submersibles     |
|         |                                     |
  |                                                                                                                                                  |
  |       To:       <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>                                                                                                |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                                        |
  |       Subject:  Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Submarine Prowling Lake  -  Caveat Lector: Hoax or Early Warning?                                            |

anybody can confirm the authenticity of this article ?
sounds like a new urban legend or some kind of bad joke
definitively an hoax for me
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael B Holt" <tlohm@juno.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 12:32 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Submarine Prowling Lake - Caveat Lector: Hoax or
Early Warning?

>  Iraqi Submarine Prowling Lake Michigan
>  Friday November 22, 2002
>  DETROIT, Mich. -- Fiendish Iraqi terrorists are lurking beneath Lake
>  Michigan in one or more mini-submarines, poised to launch a deadly
> attack
>  on America, a military insider warns.
>  "We know they're down there but we don't know exactly where," claims the
>  U.S. Navy source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
>  "That lake is larger than the entire state of Israel and the sub is
> quite
>  small, making it extremely difficult to detect on sonar.
>  "But the frightening thing is that between natural waterways,
> underground
>  rivers and man-made canals, Lake Michigan is linked to all the other
> Great
>  Lakes -- it's all one big water system.
>  "That puts the terrorists in a perfect position to launch an amphibious
>  sneak attack on any one of at least six states, including Minnesota,
>  Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and New York.
>  "And if they access the Erie Canal, that would take them to the Hudson
>  River and enable them to strike at New York City."
>  The subs that have been spotted so far are similar in design to Japanese
>  mini-subs which can carry up to six passengers and stay submerged for
> days
>  at a time.
>  Authorities have intercepted transmissions that seem to be coming from
> the
>  mini-subs, with voices speaking in Arabic. Translators have interpreted
>  the voices saying, "The Iron Fish are ready to bite."
>  The Bush administration is keeping the crisis under wraps to avoid
>  nationwide panic, the source claims.
>  "The White House is weighing its options because, at this point, they're
>  not sure how many subs might be down there. There could be dozens of
> these
>  things," notes the Navy man. "If we start carpet-bombing the Great Lakes
>  with depth charges -- which is what it may take to get these SOBs --
>  people may feel the war has come to their own back yards."
>  The spokesman stressed that these subs are too small to carry nuclear
>  weapons, but added, "They could still be smuggling in nuclear materials
> to
>  manufacture weapons of mass destruction right here in the U.S."
>  Navy SEALS have been searching Lake Michigan, but they've found no sign
> of
>  any mini-subs so far. But civilian sightings of the subs have continued
> at
>  an alarming rate.
>  "I was fishing off my boat early one morning," one local fisherman says,
>  "and I hooked something so big,
>  I thought maybe I had caught the Lake Michigan monster. I tried to reel
> it
>  in, but then I saw a periscope come up. You can't even begin to imagine
> my
>  surprise when I found out I'd hooked a mini-sub."
>  The fisherman dropped his rod in the water and raced back to shore as
> fast
>  as his boat would carry him.
>  "I'm lucky I got out of there alive," he says. "That thing could've
> blown
>  my boat to smithereens."
>  One witness claims to have seen a mini-sub on the Michigan side of the
>  lake at the exact same time his friend on the Wisconsin side saw a
> different
>  one.
>  "That means there could be hundreds of terrorists, hiding beneath our
>  lakes,  just waiting to launch an attack on our shores," one insider
> says.
>  It is not known how the Iraqis transported the sub into Lake Michigan.
>  "They could've built it right in Michigan, or they may have built it
> outside the
>  country and sailed it in. God knows there are enough raw materials in
>  Detroit to build a fleet of mini-subs."
>  The sub's stealth capabilities and the murky depths of the
> 925-foot-deep,
>  307-mile-long Lake Michigan have made it extremely difficult to locate.
>  One expert notes, "We don't know exactly what those terrorists are doing
>  in our lakes but one thing we do know is that they're not out
> joy-riding, and
>  they're not offering to take people out for submarine rides."
>  The expert ends with an ominous warning: "If we don't do something about
>  those subs soon, we'll be in big trouble."
> --
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