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[PSUBS-MAILIST] 2002 Awards


It's November and it is time to discuss the 2002 PSUBS Awards. Two 
awards were already given out at the convention (see 
http://www.psubs.org/awards/2002awards.html) but are there other deserving

Send in your suggested categories to ray@psubs.org. I'll collect them till
November 22nd. Below are the categories used last year. Are there better
categories? Send in your ideas.

	Best Design of 2001
	Best Discussion Contributor of 2001
	2001 Lifetime Achievement Award
	Best Pre-2001 PSUB
	Best PSUB of 2001

Here is  the schedule for this year:

	08 Nov 2002 - 22 Nov 2002	Send in suggested categories
	22 Nov 2002 - 30 Nov 2002	PSUBS picks categories 
	01 Dec 2002			PSUBS annouces categories
	01 Dec 2002 - 20 Dec 2002	Nominations
	20 Dec 2002 - 31 Dec 2002	PSUBS picks winners
	01 Jan 2003			PSUBS announces winners
	01 Jan 2003 - 16 Jan 2003	Winners review layout of plaque for
					and typos
	17 Jan 2003 - 31 Jan 2002	Plaques are made
	01 Feb 2003 - 14 Feb 2003	Plaques are photographed and shipped
A jpeg of the prototype plaque can be found at:

