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Free eduktin'.  Right on!

"I learned this, at least, by my experiment: That if one advances
confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavors to live the
life one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common
hours."  Henry David Thoreau
Title: MIT OpenCourseWare | Home
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MIT Home
Welcome to the MIT OpenCourseWare Pilot
MIT and the OpenCourseWare team are excited to share with you a first sampling of course materials from MIT's Faculty. We invite educators around the world to draw upon the materials for their own curricula, and we encourage all learners to use the materials for self-study.

As you explore this pilot version of MIT OCW, we invite you to send us your feedback. Your comments will help to ensure that future editions of MIT OCW will be ever more useful.
A Message from the President
MIT President Charles M. VestMIT OpenCourseWare reflects the commitment of the MIT faculty to advancing education by increasing access to their academic materials through the Internet and the World Wide Web. We believe that with modern communication technology we can not only transmit information but also stimulate and enhance the deeply human, person-to-person endeavor of education.

We hope the idea of openly sharing course materials will propagate throughout many institutions and create a global web of knowledge that will enhance the quality of learning and, therefore, the quality of life worldwide.

We are opening our pilot to the public for review and feedback. It contains a sample of MIT courses, offering an early look at the content and design of OCW. As we pursue our intensive work to find the most effective way to make OCW a valuable resource for all who use it, we will continue to add courses, until virtually all are available.

We thank our sponsors, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, as well as the faculty who have dedicated so much creative energy and time to this endeavor. We are pleased to have you as a participant in this educational journey.
Charles M. Vest
Charles M. Vest, President, MIT
OpenCourseWare Timeline
2002-2003 2003-2005 2005-2007
Discover/Build Publish/Expand Enhance
·Pilot: Representative courses from all five MIT schools
·Representative content formats
·Hundreds of courses
·Complete curriculum tracks
·Metadata-based search
·OKI compliance
·Near-full inclusion of ~2,000 MIT courses
·Enhanced technology
·Dissemination of best practices in publishing Web-based course content
·Evaluation of OCW impact
 Pilot open to public
Steady state 
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  Your use of the OpenCourseWare site and course materials is subject to the conditions and terms of use in our Legal Notices section.