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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] "underwater cabin"

thanks for all your help on this subject.  if i decide to do it, ill let you 
know ;).

>From: Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com>
>Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] "underwater cabin"
>Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 18:41:14 -0400
>On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 11:23:48 -0700 (PDT) Jeff Post writes:
>OK, I'm hooked.
> >Here's my thought on this idea:
> >
> >0) Crap I have to type this all over again. Damn webmail interfaces!
>I can't help with this.  Computers are magic.
> >1) Sound carries through the water, so I suggest using wave action
> >generators (although they could also be noisy) or an underwater
> >cable to land.
>Maybe a run-of-stream hydro thingie in the current?   That's been
>well-tested and is probably available off the shelf (sort of).
> >2) Move from the dark 200's to the lighter and brighter 30 foot level.
> >At 30' you can be ambient, vastly simplifying design and construction
> >costs, and not need decompression when your guests exit.
>I like that.   Where is the water clear at 200 feet?
> >3) As wonderfull as this idea is, it is not new. This would cost
> >million$ to develop. I doubt you could get a sufficient return to
> >make this worth while.  However if you have millions extra, and
> >you don't mind losing it, then by all means proceed. If this
> >concept could have made any financial sense,  bigger
> >companies with deeper pockets would have developed this a
> >long time  ago.
>Wasn't it discussed and even started in the 70s, but the market
> >Still, it is an intiguing fantasy, or design exersize. Just don't
> >think that this is a project for a couple of buddies with
> >average means.
>But if the buddies decided to operate it as a personal
>retreat, perhaps even for their families, it would not
>have to be quite as extensive.    Back in the 70s, a girl
>friend and I were talking about just this idea.  (No, I
>don't know where she is now.)
>Mike H.
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