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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Intact Surface Stability

On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 08:48:03 -0500
"Cliff Redus" <dr_redus@devtex.net> wrote:

> Gary
> > I have no idea what "Sea State 3" encompasses, but I would think the wave
> > height (perhaps wind?).  The height of the hatch above the water would be
> > the obvious factor in not taking on water.  But, that is given by ABS, I
> > believe.
> Table D.1 in the ABS text defines a Sea State of 3 as:
> Wind velocity = 16 knots
> Average wave height = 2.9 ft
> Average 1/10 highest =- 5.8 ft
> Significant range of periods = 2.0-8.8 sec
> Average period = 4.6 sec
> Average wave length = 71 ft
> Minimum fetch = 40 nmi ( what is this?)

I'll take a stab at a 'wave fetch' definition:
Waves are made by wind, the fetch distance is the length
of exposed water which wind blowing on the surface would
create waves.  You should be able to calculate the wave
height give then water temp., wind speed and fetch distance.

Pass me the truthpick...