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This is a thought I had some time ago, and didn't know who to ask if it was
a silly idea.

What if one built a 1 atmosphere submarine with the ability to increase the
pressure inside the hull quickly in case of a leak which would then stop
the leak and give one time to get the leak under control.  I realise that
you would then have to decompress slowly.  The hull wouldn't have to be
designed for internal pressure because it would only be balancing the
external pressure, but I think that any hull designed for an external
pressure would be good the same pressure applied internally.  I think the
problem would come from some fittings which are only designed to take
pressure from one side.

How quickly can the human body take an increase of pressure?
How high of a pressure can the human body take if the pressurizing medium
is air?
What if you had mixed gasses (diving gas) ready to pressurize the boat (in
the bottle sized for the interior of the boat at Max depth plus some for
the unknown leak) and thus diving gas was the pressurizing medium?

Is this silly?



J. Barlow CET
Sr. Mechanical Designer
BJ Pipeline Inspection

Ph  (403) 531-5412
Fax (403) 236-8740
Cell (403) 807-2195