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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] warning for smyth

Hi Jacob,

Hmmm... that's how the certified welder I hired fixed things, and that's also what the welding speaker said at the PSUBS conference. If you can't grind it out and re-weld a joint, what method d'you recommend? Its not as if welded structures are never repaired. 



-----Original Message-----
From:	Jacob Lauser [mailto:sirius@riverstyx.com]
Sent:	Tue 9/24/2002 9:28 PM
To:	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject:	[PSUBS-MAILIST] warning for smyth



It was great to see your progress on the SOLO sub, but I read something that caused me great concern for your safety, so if you're listening, please pay attention! I'm sorry to post this over the list, but I didn't have your e-mail address at hand. 

In your description from August 29th, you mentioned a few things needing attention and in one you said "grinding out small welding flaws in the hull". I don't want to be an alarmist, and perhaps someone else has brought it to your attention (hopefully), but you should NEVER EVER EVER EVER grind on a weld. It will weaken the weld and can seriously endanger your submarining efforts if it is on the pressure hull. I say this only to keep you safe. I can only imagine, not that I particularly want to, what could happen to a weakened pressure hull weld at depth. Please be careful since it looks like such a cool sub and I wouldn't want anything to happen to the operator. Good luck and keep working hard!

- Jacob Lauser
  University of Arizona Student Underwater Bouyancy System Initiative (UASUBSI)
