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Hello alan

How much thrust are the current motors?

Brent - nz

--- Alan Winick <subguy33@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> My name is Alan Winick and I'm sending a photo of my
> submarine Explorer to the site. I dreamed of
> building
> a sub since I was 11 (about 35 years ago).I
> completed
> it in 1998 after many years of planning, including
> several visits with George Kittredge and intense
> study
> of numerous vehicles. Busby was my bible!
> Explorer is a single place, one-atmosphere sub. It's
> 8' LOA and weighs in at 2300 lbs. Design depth is
> 250'
> and deepest dive to date is 120'. Viewing is through
> 7
> flat ports in the conning tower and a plexi bow dome
> fabricated for me by Greg Cottrell. Propulsion is
> three air-compensated Minn-Kotas running off two
> series 27 marine gel batteries carried inside the
> hull. Cabin atmosphere is air refreshed with O2. An
> O2
> analyzer and CO2 scrubber are carried.
> Although Explorer is active, it spends most of its
> time on exhibit at The Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk,
> CT. I am deeply involved in science education using
> the submarine as a teaching tool.
> But on to my question. I need more thrust. I'm
> sure the motors are powerful enough and suspect that
> I
> need props more suited to my application than the
> stock ones supplied with the motor. Maybe more
> pitch,
> blade area? Anybody? Thanks.
> Alan 
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