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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Update on Busby Books

What are the prices on book?

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:14:28 EDT SeaLordOne@aol.com writes:
> Shipmates,
> Here is my weekly update.  I have shipped 10 books to HIGH priority 
> folks, 
> and taken orders from 44 MEDIUM priority folks.  After a big push 
> the first 
> few days, the orders have dropped off to only 5-6 per day.  IF, and 
> I say IF, 
> that low rate continues, there will be more books than orders, and 
> everyone 
> who places a reservation will be able to order one.  We shall see.
> The logistics are going fine.  Approximately 95% of the respondents 
> are 
> complying with all instructions.  I appreciate that...it makes my 
> life much 
> easier.  I am finding more international folks than I had 
> anticipated, and 
> finding the international rates steeper than I anticipated.  I will 
> therefore 
> be charging the international folks actual postage, instead of the 
> standard 
> $5.00 US.
> In all, things are going smoothly.  I will report in again next 
> week.
> Doug Farrow
> Custodian of the Lost Busby's

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