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[PSUBS-MAILIST] some ideas

Hey Guys, Haven't been online and following things in
6 weeks
or so. Been off to Commercial Diving Academy,
gettingsome new Certs.
 I may have a much cheaper solution to the gas
analyzer problem. Check with your local industrial
safety supplier. You can get a hand held gas checker
used in confined spaces on industrial sites. It will
tell O2%, CO%, CO2%,LEL of hydrocarbs, and other
contents in the atmosphere. Some do more that others.
Most have audible alarms for O2 depletion, CO, and
CO2. Maybe a few hundred bucks as opposed to
thousands. Add to the barrometric pressure gauge and
clear scrubber case, and you should be fine.
  You can also find hand held units designed for
checking gas mixtures for nitrox and mixed gas diving.
They use pressure to push the gas through, but a
system to use one in a sub shouldn't be hard to
 Just a couple of ideas I thought might help.
=====Dewey R. Mason II
The Deep Past Foundationdeeppastfoundation@yahoo.com

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