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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Sofnolime grades

I just reached a little milestone -- I ordered my first small keg of Sofnolime. What I learned when I called OC Lugo to order was that it comes in two grades, the difference being how fine the granules are. I ordered the finer one on the assumption the greater surface area means more efficient scrubbing, but the price is almost twice as much as for the coarse grade. I also want to see whether the scrubber mesh will keep the fine one in, or whether I get a mess on the floor -- although in theory it should work.

For those who are building scrubbers and wondering how fine the mesh should be, I was told the fine grade granules measure between 1 and 2.5 mm in diameter. Instead of using a mesh, what I've done is drill a gazillion little holes in the bottom of the canister itself, using a 0.01" drill. There's enough little holes that I can't feel any perceptible resistance when breathing through the canister.

Just a quick reality check with the experienced folks... it IS the fine grade that's used, correct? Does anyone know the performance difference between the grades? Phil mentioned a 10-15% performance difference, but I'm not sure he was referring to these same materials (to be specific, the fine grade is Sofnolime 411 and the coarse is 408). Since the price difference is almost 100%, if the coarse grade scrubs lets say 50% or better relative to the perfoemance of the fine grade, then it would be more economical to use a larger canister with more of the cheaper material.

