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I'm posting this message on discussion groups I've participated in so there won't be any misunderstanding should someone receive a virus-infected message that seems to come from me.
I receive several emails per week which contain the KLEZ virus.  I know the people these messages seem to originate from didn't send them to me; in fact, some of them were out of the country on vacation and their computers were offline when the messages were sent.  Such is the nature of the KLEZ virus.
KLEZ can infect a computer, invade the email files, and send out it's own messages that seem to be coming from anyone in the address book.  If, say, I have communicated with you in the past; and KLEZ infects your computer; then your computer might start sending out messages to anyone in your address book that seem to be coming from me, or anyone else in your files. 
Or if, say,  you and I have communicated with someone else in the past, and we're in that person's address book when KLEZ infects his computer, the virus might start sending out contaminated messages that look like they come from me, you, or anyone else in the infected computer's files.  The KLEZ virus masquerades in this way.
Speaking for myself, all of our computers have virus protection; we run regular upgrades and checks, and our machines are virus free.  Still, you might receive an email that seems like it comes from me, and has a virus-laden attachment.  As I've explained above, I didn't send it: you are being targeted by the KLEZ virus.  OK, so now what to do?
First, get good virus protection for your computer. 
Second, if anyone receives an email that seems to come from me and has an attachment but (1) doesn't include a message that you recognize as being from me; or (2) contains either no message or a brief one something like "Here's a new website.  I Hope you would enjoy it."; or (3) you weren't expecting; or (4) comes from someone you don't recognize: DON'T OPEN THE ATTACHMENT.  If you have virus protection you could scan the attachment for contamination; but you might be better off simply deleting the entire message. 
Because KLEZ is becoming more prolific, I've adopted the following policy:  If I am going to send someone an email with an attachment (and we aren't already in communication so they might be expecting an attachment) I will first send a preceding email announcing that an attachment is about to be sent.  Then I'll send my message with the attachment separately.  This is only a moment's extra work for me, and one more email for you; but it might save your computer.
I figure many of you are already aware of KLEZ; this message is intended for those who may not be.  If you get an infected email that seems to come from someone you know, don't assume that he sent it: this could be the KLEZ virus at work.