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Thanks for the input.

The size of the conning tower is the result of P_Subs 
ergonomic figures, my cheap Cad program and some 
material I already have.  I have the height for 
visibility over the bow.  This has been a question in 
my mind also.  So I am now going to build a cardboard 
sub first.
The oblong utility pods are purely for sex appeal.  I 
saw similar ones on the Submanaut in a Sci-Fi film.  
You are right they are expensive and labor intensive, 
but no use in making this thing if it isn't what I 
like.  I am currently testing one of the air reserve 
tanks for at least a 1000 PSI user pressure.  I'll 
post pics. if I survive.  
I have been reworking the ballast tank size through 
labor intensive (big guesses) weight computations.  I 
too found them to be lacking.  Thanks for the simpler 
formula.  It will make the re calc. much easier.