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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Who owns that PSUB?

Hi All,
As I was traveling home from Maine after a weekend of Job Interviewing, I passed a motorist who was stopped on the side of Rt. 95 south in ME with a trailer hooked up to his pick-up.
On that trailer was a beautiful black-bottomed red-topped (or vise-versa - the look was quick at 65mph,any longer and my family would have suffered coronary arrest as my eyes were on the boat and not on the road) PSUB about 24 feet long looking like a perfect example of a Los Angeles class boat.
I've never seen a picture of that one on the newsgroup site, but was wondering if the owner is out there.  I'd love to find out more about that one - looks great!
So, if the owner is reading this, how about some pics.  Or, if anyone in the northeast of the USA has seen this craft, do you know the owner?
Bob T.