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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Pressure Hulls

Hey All,
   Today I found 3 stainless steel spheres about 9
feet in diameter+/-. They are about 1" minimum
thickness with a small increase near the inlet head.
They are used, having been commercial CO2 tanks for a
local gas producer. While I do realize the potential
problems of using used stuff, I think the maintenance
was good enough to consider it. Does anyone have a
means to calculate the unreinforced crush depth on
such a piece? I can get them, and many other tanks, at
scrap prices, from the same source. I am thinking
perhaps these may enable me to build a better boat for
less. I am also thinking of using hexagonal
reinforcements on the inside and offset on the outside
to increase depth limits. I am not sure I can find
software to calculate strength. Any ideas here would
be great. I am looking at using a smaller tube with
hemispherical ends, ala the Dutch RN-sub Dolfijn(1959)
for the mechanical areas. Hopefully the much smaller
diameter will leave enough strength difference to put
the crush depths very nearly the same. At least to
where I can P-test the cabins at 75%, and run them at
50% of calculated crush, and P-test the mechanical
compartment at 90%, running it at maybe 80% or so.
   Maybe someone will think I am one of the ones
needing banishment after this, but I hope to hear the
thoughts and ideas of those who think I might can
   Dewey Mason

Remember, man can breath UNDER water, but he sure as hell cannot BREATH water, keep your gourd in a bubble.

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