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Re: Language was - Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] SUBSAFE

UMM To Be fair.......HEBREW?

Then they ALL cannot understand it......

Dewey Mason   

--- Carsten Standfuss <MerlinSub@t-online.de> wrote:
> Okay - imagine a international crew on board CSSX..
> - one russian girl,
> - one france girl, 
> - one spain girl, 
> in which language I should give the command : dive,
> dive, dive ? :-)
> Captain Nemo schrieb:
> > 
> > Da, Tovaritch Carsten, Ya znayu vas.  Ya guvaroo e
> pishoo e chitaiyoo pa
> > rooskie.  (Nyem noga, no ploha.)  I have do do it
> phonetically, here though.
> > My computer doesn't write the Cyrillic alphabet.
> > 
> > Paka!
> > 
> > Pat
> > 
> > BTW:  Anatawa Nihongo wakaremaska?  Watashi-wa
> Nihongo hanashimasu; (skoshi,
> > to soshte bakari).  Keredomo, watashi-wa Nihongo
> narate-imashta.
> > 
> > Puedo comunicarme en Espanol, tambien.
> > 
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Carsten Standfuss" <MerlinSub@t-online.de>
> > To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 11:11 AM
> > Subject: Re: Language was - Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST]
> > 
> > > Nastrovie, towaritsch Kapitan..
> > >
> > > Carsten

Remember, man can breath UNDER water, but he sure as hell cannot BREATH water, keep your gourd in a bubble.

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