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I think that simply a 6th grade Education is sufficient for building a 2 million dollar deep-diving sub..
Graham Kuberski
P.S. What is pneumatics? Is that like pneumonia? :)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of Bob Teufel
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 8:39 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org

Hi Pat and all!
I totally agree with Pat when he says that we beginners (And I fully admit that I am one) shoud not begin with a Deep-Diving Sub as a first project.
I am a Christian, which means that I belive I know where I am going when this life is over, but, I'd like to go there when it's time and even have a little fun along the way.  I'd rather not speed up the process by attempting dreams that are beyond my capability.  One wise person I knew once told me that the "I Know what I Know", and the "I Know What I don't Know," aren't a problem.  It's the "I Don't Know What I Don't Know," that can get you in big trouble.
When I first discovered PSUBS.ORG I immediately designed a 6 person 37 foot sub and was thinking that I would like to figure out how to get it to about 400 meters fsw.  Now, after reading and listening to you guys, I'd be happy to construct an ambient pressure sub for use in shallow lakes as a first project, and that only after I re-learn everything I once knew about scuba-diving and spend much more time listening-reseaching and learning.
Maybe we could all come up with a basic-skills/knowledge recommendation for those who find themselves desiring to do what so many of you veterans have done before.
Without some knowledge of Physics, Mathmatics, Electronics, Plumbing, Pneumatics, Hydraulics, and materials, it would seem like a fools quest to go out and try to begin at the top.
For What it's Worth,
Bob Teufel