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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Mini Nautilus Minisub

Aloha, Doc!
I wish I had CAD.  Maybe one day.  I still use the "Flintstones" method: graph paper and pen; models; etc. But you're right: a model sure does help during wet testing in the pool; and after the sub's done, ya got a neat souvenir, no?
Hey, about SYNTACTIC FOAM: I haven't used it yet; thinking about it, though.  Some questions:
1. Does SYN expand like liquid polyurethane foam does when you pour it into the mold?
2. The 300 to 400 degree curing temperature Bob mentioned: does this mean it must be cured in an oven or pressurized autoclave; or does it generate that kind of heat internally when curing?  (The latter seems outrageous to me; but polyesther resin does generate some heat when curing, so....)   
Either way, this high temperature looks like it could be a factor in choosing the types of molds and other materials used with it. What's the scoop?