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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Luxury Submarines / Underwater Club

How about a cable car sub to the habitat?  Self 
controlled and power, and air come from the cable 
--- Original Message ---
From: "Mad Pirate Shin" 
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Luxury Submarines / 
Underwater Club

>  As I understand it, multiple, no-decompression 
ascents from 33 feet cause 
>no immediate symptons.  Any testing done by myself or 
others would be to 
>watch for any subtle ill affects over the course of a 
few years.  The 
>employees of the club however, would require the pure 
O2 flush on their ride 
>to the parking lot, but that would only be a once a 
night ordeal, and a 
>negligible inconvenience.
>  You did bring up an interesting point questioning 
how the body processes 
>alcohol when under higher atmospheric pressure and 
oxygen saturation.  I 
>have "heard" that a few breaths of pure oxygen does 
wonders for a hangover.  
>Clubbers who have had a little too much to drink 
could possibly spend the 
>night in the club, and awaken in the morning without 
paying the consequences 
>for the previous nights imbibing.
>  Hhmmm, restrictions in a club?  It would be 
impossible to enforce a "no 
>medication" rule, but said rule may avoid a lawsuit 
in the event of a 
>complication.  No admittance to expecting ladies 
would be easy enough to 
>control by adjusting the size of the hatches ;)   
But "no smoking" in a 
>club?!?  Perhaps a room or area could be set aside as 
a smoking area, giving 
>that area a higher volume of fresh air flow from the 
surface.  I just can't 
>see a club being very restrictive in activities 
people often engage in for 
>recreation.  Perhaps a restaurant might be a better 
alternative as an 
>under-water business.  Not near as much fun, but 
perhaps less of a 
>hassle(catering to a clientele that is easier to 
control) and a more stable 
>base for a business.
>  Maintaining a submarine to ferry customers from the 
lobby to the habitat 
>may be important enough to justify the maintenance 
cost and hourly wage of 
>the pilot.  But shortening the distance the sub needs 
to travel can cut down 
>on costs(using a smaller sub while making more trips, 
using less sofnolime, 
>etc.).  Of course, if things are slow, or the pilot 
is so inclined, he can 
>show the passengers the "scenic route" to the 
habitat.  So what ideas can 
>anyone come up with to make access to the habitat 
easier/faster while 
>sticking with the idea of the submarine ride?  
Placing the parking lot on a 
>platform directly above the habitat is not stylish 
enough for a club, so 
>let's hear some ideas!
>  Please forgive any half-baked ideas, I have not yet 
spent time seriously 
>considering a place of business located underwater.
>                     Shin
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: "Herve" <caribsub@coqui.net>
>Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Luxury Submarines / 
Underwater Club
>Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 09:40:31 -0400
>my underhabitat is designed for inside pressure at 
little less than 1 atm,
>decompression is not required because decompression 
sickness is not
>possible, you need more than that of partial pressure 
to get the bends or to
>have to decompress.
>you can stay for ever at 33 ft with no decompression. 
although for long
>preriod of time it is recommended  to wash down the 
nitrogen with O2 before
>you hit the surface, not to feel tired or dizzy.
>now for 2 or 3 hours in 30 ft there is no problem
>A long ago i stayed 15 days at 33 Ft in a navy hab, i 
returned to the
>surface with only 5 mn of pure O2 at 10Ft.
>I am interested in knowing the range of effects of 
alcohol while breathing
>air under pressure at 1 atm, yet some restrictions 
will apply to anyone
>wanting to stay in the hab.
>obviously, no smoking, no medication, no preg women.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mad Pirate Shin" 
>To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
>Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 9:51 PM
>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Luxury Submarines / 
Underwater Club
> > Herve,
> >   Speaking of pressure differentials, if you'd be 
interested in doing 
> > "research" to see how alcohol affects the body's 
ability to handle the
> > decompression from 40-50 feet, I could stand 
spending some time in 
> > after the convention.
> >
> >            ;)
> >           Shin
> >
> >
> >
> > Hhhmmm...  ever the dilemma.  Buy another case of 
Sake, or make a deposit
> > into the submarine fund...?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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