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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Simplified Sub Design Math

First day of vacation; up till 3 AM last night finalizing the improvements to SSDM.  About to proof-read the first printed copy.  I think it's right now.
The process is one I developed for my own use, and it's always worked for me.  But it's one thing to have a process in your mind and be able to use it, and something else to put it on paper so someone else can understand it.  It's not so much that the old version was "wrong", but it had some areas of possible confusion, incompleteness, and room for improvement.
If you have any copies of the old SSDM, please delete or burn them.  The new SSDM program is finished and soon to be disclosed to the public. 
I will make an announcement here when SSDM is available.  Any Q's: E me offline.