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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Please remove me from the list

Ahoy there shipmates...

Thank you all for interesting reading and interesting subject, but the time 
has come to fill my sails once again...
My checklist has been checked, all 600 plus items...tee hee, I'm so happy I 
can I can, boo hoo cry...waaaaahhhhhh...
anyway, due south from Ny past the keys, then 180 islands, 70 countries and 
18 months,,,

Thank you all...wish you could come, but the boat isn't big enough for all of 
us..so I'll have to go only with the wifey...

Hope to see all soon...but if I don't remember that we all have to come up 
for air sometime, so do it slowly and don't fork your eyes out..
