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[PSUBS-MAILIST] more background

hi all
my main interest in psubs started as a young boy
i was mesmerised by jacques-yves cousteau and his early films
namely "the silent world" which was the first real underwater movie
followed by "a world without sun"a documentary film about his conshelf 2
underwater habitat experiment. the haunting intro of a saucer shaped submersible
gliding over the ocean floor past the underwater house and finally entering it's own underwater garage.
brilliant "boys own" stuff that fuelled my passion for submersibles
i was lucky enough to touch this marvellous craft(or one very similar)
at the oceanographic institute in monaco in the early eighty's
it was surprising how small it was in real life,
some years later i was in the coastal area of my country known as cornwall
on holiday with my young family this was around ten years or so ago
i found a very dilapidated submersible in a garage surrounded by marine salvage
which wasn't unusual as we have a very rich abundance of diveable wreck sites
in cornwall.the garage owner allowed me in to photograph the submersible at length(kittredge k350)and asked if i wanted to buy it .i'm not sure but i think it was
the sight of this misty eyed drooling idiot that prompted my wife to dig me in the ribs,yep two young kids,car,mortgage,cat ,pension and life insurance told me straight that there was no way i could even think about my own submarine.
well ten years or so on i'm divorced (thank god) the price on the k350 has risen ten fold,it's also being restored,i still can't afford it but no matter,
i did a dive in a morgo with alan whitfield from silvercrest submarines and he helped me trace the history of this and also another UK based kittredge(damn good dive also)i have some photos of the sub then and now which i will scan in and get to
ray to post.my future intentions are to source parts in the UK to build a kittredge myself .psubs has been a great inspiration not only in feeding my passion but
also for letting my know i'm not the only nut out there.
best regards to all psubbers