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[PSUBS-MAILIST] annoying sound of fresh air valve


till now i was only (mainly) reading this newgroop but now i got a litle
problem that i think some of you must allready have solved. While
testing our ambient sub we realized that the valve that is providing our
cabin with fresh air (100l/min) makes a very annoying sound. Maybe
someone in here knows a simple and cheap solution to fix that because
this apeares to be a real problem since the crew tents to close the
fresh air valve and that ofcourse might get dangerous.
Anyway... I'm also proud to anounce that our concrete (ambient) sub
sucsessfully mastred 6 test dive's in a little basain just in front of
our workshop.

Marko Thiele 

mail: mailto:marko.thiele@gmx.de 
home: http://www.shutterbug.de