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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] pressure hull sizing

I tried the program put out by Carlson Plotters and it won't run.  Keeps
saying not enough available memory.  256k of RAM, usually 83% free
(212k) and not enough memory?  Ilike the looks of Rhino, but I ain't got
that kind of cash.

DBACKIDS@aol.com wrote:
> Okay, I guess I'm worse at envisioning a sphere than I thought. Thanks
> for the clarification, I suppose I thought that two of myselves (all
> 6' and still going of me) would be a little cramped in an area not
> even as tall as me. But, from what ya'll say, five feet will be fine.
> Thank you again, and if I ever figure out how to put my "creation"
> into Rhino (the demo of the only 3d program I know), I'll try to post
> something showing it.
> David C

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