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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] American Sportsman Submersible

Thanks for the info.  The boat I own is the one from Brazosport College in
Lake Jackson, Texas.  Right now I am evaluating whether to try and rebuild
this, or start fresh with another one more conducive to attaching a
manipulator to.
Regards, Steve Salley
At 11:14 PM 4/24/02 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi - there is a general description with the technical maindatas
>of the Sportsman 300 & 600 at Busby's Book at page 212 and 213. 
>One owner of the Sportsman 600 in the 70ies was the : 
>Brazosport College
>Lake Jackson
>Texas (or Ohio?)
>A Sportsmans 300 was owned by :
>The Tiburon Marine Laboratory
>Tiburon, California
>The original builder was: 
>American Submarine Co.,
>Lorain, Ohio
>Maybe up to 20-30 units were build.. 
>I have a other description in "Tauchboote" N.Gierschner
>The units were also called Amersub 300 and 600
>First launch of a 300 was 1961 for about 9000 US asking price.
>An other owner of a 300 was the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. 
>Rang for the 300 was 12-16 seamiles. 
>There is a description in Terry, R.D.:
>The deep submersible
>Hollywood, Cal., 1966
>First Amersub 600 was launch in 1963, asking 12000 USD. 
>But the descriptiion I have is that the single tower design 
>is the 600 and the twintower ist the 300 ! 
>Intressting feature : The 600 has an Mercury trim system !
>After 39 years the windows should maybe replace before you go deeper..
>regards Carsten
>Steven schrieb:
>> Hello all,
>> I am new to this group, but it looks like there is a lot of expertise here.
>>  I currently own an American Sportsman Submersible that I bought at an
>> auction back in 1982.  I started rebuilding it, and almost immediately ran
>> out of money.  The dreams of youth!  It has been on it's trailer , stripped
>> and partially recoated, since then.  It is I believe, according to the
>> Original Company brochure that I have, an American Sportsman 600, which was
>> supposed to be capable of 600 foot depths.  It is a twin conning tower
>> design which was originally owned by the US Gov., being used in fish
>> surveys.  Anybody have any info on these?  Also, and more importantly, has
>> anybody done a rebuild on one?  Both conning towers have wrap around view
>> ports of about 1 inch thick Plexiglass, and there is an 8 inch diameter, 1
>> inch thick view port that is somewhat conical in shape that is on the
>> bottom.  I am finally getting to the point where I might be able to start
>> refitting again, and any advice would be most helpful.
>> Regards, Steve Salley