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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] cubic feet / gallons conversion

Charles, a gallon is a gallon is a gallon is a gallon.  regardless of
the liquid you put in it- gasoline, JP-4, nitroglycerine, mercury,
uranium hexaflouride, or water.  The weight of the gallon is a different
story.  Water is around 8 or so pounds per gallon.  I don't know about
mercury or JP-4.

BluWtrSailr@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 4/18/02 7:35:08 AM EST, rjune@fuse.net writes:
> << to convert GALLONS (US Liq.) into CUBIC FEET multiply by 0.13368 >>
> I'm not sure that this applies to all liquids...
> Charles

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