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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Bearden’s Free Energy MEG Destined For ChapterEleven]Destined For ChapterEleven

If you take a look at the websites you'll find the usual Cold Fusion/Over Unity bunch. It's barely possible 
that anything useful will ever come out of all this but the record so far is dismal; mostly wishful thinking, 
instrument error and fraud.
This stuff goes back much further than the "500 mph carburetor" of 1950s myth. Throw a little political 
conspiracy and Tesla into the mix, read the other articles on the yowusa site.
Any "practicle" PSubs built in any reasonable future will be Battery or Internal Combustion/Battery. Why 
saddle yourself with very experimental propulsion on top of the already demanding design of a pressure 
hull and life support? Someday we may have the "Mr Fusion" plant from Back to the Future but I wouldn't 
go designing any PSub in my lifetime around it.

End of Rant!

Date sent:      	Sun, 14 Apr 2002 04:08:16 -0600
From:           	Coalbunny <coalbunny@onewest.net>
To:             	"personal_submersibles@psubs.org" <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Subject:        	[PSUBS-MAILIST] Bearden’s Free Energy MEG  Destined For  
	ChapterEleven]Destined For  ChapterEleven
Send reply to:  	personal_submersibles@psubs.org

> I don't know anything about this.  Got this as a forward.  Insight is
> welcome.
> Carl
> Bearden’s Free Energy MEG Destined For Chapter Eleven
> YOWUSA.COM, April 14, 2001
> Marshall Masters
> On March 26, 2002, American inventor Tom Bearden was awarded United
> States Patent number 6,362,718
> for his revolutionary Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG).  In
> order to get that patent,
> Bearden had to provide the Patent Office with a working prototype, which
> he did! Given that
> Bearden’s MEG can be easily produced without exotic manufacturing
> techniques or expensive rare Earth
> minerals, the possibility that America can quickly become energy
> independent is a real possibility
> -- maybe.
> http://www.yowusa.com/Archive/April2002/meg1a/meg1a.htm
> http://www.marshallmasters.com/Archive/April2002/meg1a/meg1a.htm