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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] tank periscope optics

At 08:26 -0400 4/9/02, Dan h wrote:
>Why would you want to use periscope optics in a sub?  I don't understand the advantage in using prisms to look around corners with when all you need is a piece of acrylic to keep the water out.  Even using cameras seems like over kill.  If the view ports are kept to a small diameter there not expensive.  Say, keep them to the size of plasma TV monitor and forget the electronics!

What's a plasma TV? I guess I got behind in my keeping up with the latest gizmos. It sounds like a way to bring us closer to the peculiar Star Trek technology, with drive plasma being channeled all around the ship, so that every time the shields absorb too much energy and a relay blows -- computer consoles explode and singe crewmembers.

buchner@wcta.net - MN, USA