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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Big Brother is watching TV ...

In einer eMail vom 08.04.2002 19:06:25 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerze schreibt MerlinSub@t-online.de:

> By the way:  regarding the term "Mother" --- I remember the movie
> "ALIEN" -- Ripply is talking to the ship-computer --  any suggestions
> for a good sound or voice for my PSUB-computer ???
> A.

The Hal 2000 voice ? Like : "Good morning Dave.."


What about R2D2 ???  piiip fliip dut duuuuuuuuuut drrrrrrrrrrrr snrrrrrrrrrrrr tt p


I had just a phone call from a good old school fellow !! He is now working in an oceanografic institute or better say in an company making deep sea exploration devices......

And he told me thats not a problem to buy half spheres from the SHOTT-company. This half spheres have an approx. diameter 500 mm, and are certificated for a maximum deep of 6000 Meters !!! ( 18.000 feet)
The price is app. 250 EURO / DOLLAR !!!  

This stuff is so cheap and nevertheless good because its an standard product for the use in deep sea fishing and oceanografic terms.

Two such half spheres will be put together and then used as buoancys.  A single oceanografic sensor array needs appr. 30 pieces of this spheres for bouancy  so there is a great demand for this stuff an so the price is rather low...

The material is not acryl or some organic glas its a special mineralic hard glas

Maybe that this spheres are not made for high quality optical demands but he will check this ASAP.

Sounds good for me and maybe the "blind worm" will get some eyes ......
