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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Water-powered Sub...

Right on Jacob!  Get them braincells working!  I thought of something
for emergency power, like sodium rods.  In the event of no juice, flip a
switch and the sodium rods slowly insert into a water tank thus building
pressure and going through a turbine of some sort (or using the gas to
fill the ballast tanks so you float out of there) and the heat for
something else.  never thought too seriously about it because of the
hazmat involved.  I like you're idea of hydrogen, though.

Jacob Lauser wrote:
> Is anyone interested in a water-powered sub? All you have to do is hook
> either a fresh-water tank or an intake/desalinization line into a hydrogen
> generator ( http://www.eren.doe.gov/RE/hydrogen.html ,
> http://www.nature.com/nsu/011206/011206-11.html ), pump the output into a
> PEM Fuel cell ( http://www.ballard.com/portable_app.asp ), hook the
> batteries up, and you're ready to jam. Imagine being restricted in your sub
> dives only by the amount of food on board and the sanity of the crew! You
> could tap the freshly desalinated water for drinking and sanitation, and
> bleed off oxygen from the hydrogen generator for breathing. Hey, the Navy
> does it... Isn't it about time the technology became widespread? Of course,
> something like this would only be worth putting in a sub like CSSX because
> of the cost... Give it 5 years though... You'll see ;)
> - Jacob Lauser
>   University of Arizona

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