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Pat "Captain Nemo" Regan asked me to forward this message to the group.


------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------

To All, 

Please allow me to express my sincere THANKS to the PSUBS Group for selecting 
the NAUTILUS MINISUB for this recognition.  There are a lot of fine subs 
featured on this website: each of which is unique and noteworthy in its own 
right.  So, I'll accept this award on behalf of everybody, because I know we all 
had to work hard to get our boats into the water, and it really could have gone 
to any of us.  Thank you!

Things have been busy at Vulcania lately.  Job and health issues have taken up a 
lot of our time, I wasn't able to work on sub projects for a while, but I'm back 
on it now.  Lately I've been revamping the forward "sawteeth", arch, and ramming 
spur on the NAUTILUS, which I was never too happy with.  This time the scale 
detailing is going to be true (a.m.a.p.) to the 11-foot special effects model 
used in filming the movie; in no small part thanks to the help of avid NAUTILUS 
modeler William Babington, who supplied me with many close-up pics and his own 
refined plans.  (Thanks Will!)  The work goes on.  

I've learned not to make predictions of when we might be back in the water 
again, but I'm doing my best, and hoping for late Spring or early Summer.  We'll 

After the sub is operational again, all those other projects (videos and such) 
will be next.  I just want everyone to know I haven't given up on any of that.  

Anyway, thanks again to all of you; and good luck with your submarine projects.

Very best regards, 


------------- End Forwarded Message -------------

Hi Ray,
The Plaque arrived yesterday.  It's very nice, and was very cool of you guys, too.  Looks great on the wall next to my computer, above a framed picture of the NAUTILUS MINISUB.  Thank you!
I'm not subscribed to the mail list and don't have time to participate right now; but would appreciate it if you'd pass this message on to the members:
To All, 
Please allow me to express my sincere THANKS to the PSUBS Group for selecting the NAUTILUS MINISUB for this recognition.  There are a lot of fine subs featured on this website: each of which is unique and noteworthy in its own right.  So, I'll accept this award on behalf of everybody, because I know we all had to work hard to get our boats into the water, and it really could have gone to any of us.  Thank you!
Things have been busy at Vulcania lately.  Job and health issues have taken up a lot of our time, I wasn't able to work on sub projects for a while, but I'm back on it now.  Lately I've been revamping the forward "sawteeth", arch, and ramming spur on the NAUTILUS, which I was never too happy with.  This time the scale detailing is going to be true (a.m.a.p.) to the 11-foot special effects model used in filming the movie; in no small part thanks to the help of avid NAUTILUS modeler William Babington, who supplied me with many close-up pics and his own refined plans.  (Thanks Will!)  The work goes on. 
I've learned not to make predictions of when we might be back in the water again, but I'm doing my best, and hoping for late Spring or early Summer.  We'll see....
After the sub is operational again, all those other projects (videos and such) will be next.  I just want everyone to know I haven't given up on any of that. 
Anyway, thanks again to all of you; and good luck with your submarine projects.
Very best regards,