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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Deep sea GRP/Steel battery pod.


I posted a drawing of a battery pod I've been thinking
about.  The basic idea is take a steel cylinder and coat
the inside a few iniches of GRP (fiberglass).

I would be a little nervous about making a human occupied
pressure vessel using the same idea.  My conclusions
about GRP seem to be converging on the idea that GRP is
great (with a respectable safe factor), but unpredictable
once damaged, this has put me off using GRP to provide the
strength for the main pressure hull (since it would need
replaced once damaged and that could be rather costly).

They are some major details missing from the drawing,
such as thru-hull connector cables and a removable end
cap for servicing the batteries.

Battery pod:

Thanks for the subfiles webpage BTW!

I'd welcome any feedback on this idea.
