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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Submarine glider paper.


I came across some interesting information about
the submarine glider idea.

It seems that some people at Princeton University have
been researching underwater gliding robots.  I found a
paper on "Design and Analysis of an Underwater Vehicle for
Controlled Gliding" most relavent to psubs:
(It's in PostScript format.)

It's a nice read even if you're not into the math side
of things.  The other papers seem to hold less relavence
to psubs, but I've not read them all either.  They are a
bunch more papers can be found near the bottom of this page:

And the departments home page has some nice links
as well:

PSubbers don't have nuclear reactors, but with a good
gliding submarine I can imagine 50gals of desiel fuel
will go a long long way (O2, air, electric generator).
