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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New opportunity

Karl Fuller wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> What is the boat list you mention. Can it be subscribed to ?

Yes, it's the Yahoo "boat design" list.

> In the past you've mentioned a hull calculation spreadsheet you have
> constructed ? Is it possible I could take a look if you have ? Thanks.

I think all the spreadsheets are on the PDSUBs site.  I have 
a couple of small programs, but nothing large.  I'm working 
on large stuff, but the press of real life has slowed progress.

> I could not open the website you refer to for some reason, maybe they are
> modifying it to make it more accurate ;-)

It might be that it's gone!  The note you sent to me is over
a year old.  Was it wandering about on the Internet all that
