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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book

I'm sorry Doug.  I imagine a lot of are sorry.  Doug, when you said
something about the books, what you did is just like telling your kids,
"Hey I have the key to the local candy store, and when I get a chance
we're gonna raid it!".  Literally.  Giving us a Busby is like giving a
10 year old a five pound bag of candy.

SeaLordOne@aol.com wrote:
> Jake,
> It took me about 24 hours to realize that I had made a BIG mistake by
> announcing the Busby books before I actually had them in hand.  I have
> much to learn about group behavior on the internet.  I am going to sit
> here in silent mode until the books show up, then I will respond to
> the group.  For now, I will simply lurk.  Peace...Out.
> Doug Farrow

'Tis better to have loved and lost than to have loved and gone on Jerry
Springer and find out your wife used to be a guy.