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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book

    THANK YOU!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Jacob Lauser
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book

STOP THE MADNESS!!! It's reminding me of a Depression Era bank run!
SeaLordOne said on 12/22/01:
"For now, I ask you to please "cease and desist" with the "orders" I have received for Busbys.  I am not taking orders at this time.  I have no books to send...only an IOU from the Navy and NASA...(which I consider to be sound).  The logistics have yet to be finalized.  I am figuring I will do something like this.  When I receive the Busbys, I will announce it to the group.  We can then give the group, say, 15 days to place orders.  So long as there are more books than orders, everyone gets a book.  But if orders exceed books, well, then I would like to see some "fair and objective" way to allocate deliveries.  I believe that Ray should get all of the books he wants for the future PSUBS library...that should be the first priority.  The second priority should probably be books to websites and libraries, because they will benefit many.  The third priority should perhaps be individual PSUBS members.  I am open to sugg! estions.  But I don't want those suggestions right now.  Please save them until I announce that I have the books in hand...at that point it all becomes real."
This e-mail is only meant to halt a "what-if-I-don't-get-one" panic. I'm sure Doug will let us know IF/WHEN the books present themselves. Until then, let's not get our hopes too high. It's great to be excited, but let's be a little courteous and give him room to maneuver within the system and figure out how he's going to disseminate the books. This group is very supportive of each other and even if every doesn't get a book, they will be available for use, I'm sure. So, keep your fingers crossed, and please be patient.
- Jake Lauser