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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book

I suggest you take personal checks, but wait till they clear, then send
UPS to PSUBs members.  If the check is no good send no book.

On Sun, 23 Dec 2001 01:29:47 EST SeaLordOne@aol.com writes:
> Shipmates,
> I appreciate all the gratitude for locating and securing the Busbys, 
> I really 
> do.  But I believe your thanks are quite premature.  Three months 
> from now, 
> when 150 PSUBS members have shiny new Busbys sitting on their 
> shelves, and 
> Busby can be found on numerous websites, then perhaps you can all 
> sit around 
> and pat me on the back, and tell me what a grand fellow I must be.  
> But as of 
> today, all I have really done is to raise a lot of hopes, with wild 
> tales of 
> a mystery shipment of "lost Bubsy books", and my "heroic" efforts to 
> track 
> them down over several agencies and several states through a sea of 
> government red tape.  Please wait until I actually "deliver the 
> goods" before 
> you sing my praises.  We aren't home yet.  If this deal falls 
> through, I will 
> have a lot of egg on my face...please don't make that worse.
> It isn't over until the fat lady sings.  Although I have good faith 
> promises 
> from the Navy and NASA, I still don't have the books.  When I have 
> those 600 
> pounds of Busbys (150 copies times 4 pounds each), the fat lady will 
> have 
> sung.  I will let you know when that day comes.  But then, I still 
> have to 
> distribute them.  If demand outstrips supply (which I will want to 
> determine 
> in advance), I will need a method for setting priorities (some 
> balance 
> between "first come-first served" and "the greatest good for the 
> greatest 
> number", e.g., libraries and websites take priority over 
> individuals).  And I 
> will want input from the group on a fair way to do that.  And even 
> once 
> priorities are set, I still have to personally wrap and ship 150 
> packages, 
> which could easily take me a month or two (I have a family and a day 
> job).  
> And I will have to decide whether to take personal checks, or insist 
> on money 
> orders, or what.  So this will not happen overnight.
> For now, I ask you to please "cease and desist" with the "orders" I 
> have 
> received for Busbys.  I am not taking orders at this time.  I have 
> no books 
> to send...only an IOU from the Navy and NASA...(which I consider to 
> be 
> sound).  The logistics have yet to be finalized.  I am figuring I 
> will do 
> something like this.  When I receive the Busbys, I will announce it 
> to the 
> group.  We can then give the group, say, 15 days to place orders.  
> So long as 
> there are more books than orders, everyone gets a book.  But if 
> orders exceed 
> books, well, then I would like to see some "fair and objective" way 
> to 
> allocate deliveries.  I believe that Ray should get all of the books 
> he wants 
> for the future PSUBS library...that should be the first priority.  
> The second 
> priority should probably be books to websites and libraries, because 
> they 
> will benefit many.  The third priority should perhaps be individual 
> members.  I am open to suggestions.  But I don't want those 
> suggestions right 
> now.  Please save them until I announce that I have the books in 
> hand...at 
> that point it all becomes real.
> One note on that.  PSUBS "members" will take priority over "outside" 
> folks 
> who simply see these postings on our site and want a Busby.  That 
> roughly 200 
> folks on the current mailing list come first.  The Navy has agreed 
> to that.  
> I did not claim to "represent" PSUBS, because I don't.  But I did 
> indicate 
> that this PSUBS group would be my distribution vehicle.  They 
> agreed.
> I will report back to you when the books arrive on my doorstep.  
> Until then, 
> no more orders, please.  Thanks.  When the time comes for orders, 
> everyone 
> will get their fair shot.  
> Doug Farrow

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