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RE: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] 2002 convention

I thought I was the only one with this crazy idea of building a sub
in my back yard.People look at you funny when you tell them whatcha 
building. glad to be a part of this site.in regard to the 2002 convention
I would like to assist in any way I can so if I can be of any help please

Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM> wrote:

>Hi John,
>The PUBS Staff wanted to get the plaque awards out of the way before
>discussing a PSUBS Convention for 2002. Since you brought it up I'll
>start now with my initial thoughts.
>The 2001 PSUBS Convention was a flop. Primarily due to having no local
>voluteers (local to Vancouver, BC, Canada) stepping forward to do the leg
>I know that the second convention was planned to be in Florida but we
>really never had the first one yet.
>To make sure the 2002 PSUBS Convention actually happens the thought was to
>have it in Portland, Oregon. Portland is the large city near where I live
>and thus I can easily do the leg work and go see convention sites myself.
>Unfortunately about the only submarine realated venue in this area is
>at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (http://www.omsi.edu/)
>with the USS Blueback. The USS Blueback was one of the last USN
>diesel-electric subs.
>I need some feedback. If we have it in Florida then some PSUBers local
>in Florida will have to do the leg work. Any voluteers?
>If we have it in Oregon. It will happen. 
>Oh by the way. There is no budget for a convention. It was hoped that the
>online sales to PSUBS would help offset costs but the store has yet to break 
>even over the set up costs. I don't expect much help there.
>As a result the convention will have to be self supporting with the initial
>costs coming out of someone's pocket and getting reimbursed through reasonable
>entrance fees. What ever reasonable fees means?
>> From: "maynard" <maynard@exotrope.net>
>> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
>> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] 2002 convention
>> Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 15:20:04 -0500
>> X-Priority: 3
>> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200
>> Is PSUBS planning a convention in Florida this coming new year. If so 
>when,where. I
>> would like to make plans and also Harold Maynards Lake Diver is in Marathon, 
>FLA (Keys)
>> and I'm sure he'd love to be part of a convention.
>>                                                 Regards John Maynard

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