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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book

10-4 Doug.  My apologies.  I guess we all got excited when we heard
about that books.  Kinda like a 16 year old boy finding out he MIGHT get
a date with Farrah Fawcett, if ya know what I mean.  

SeaLordOne@aol.com wrote:
> Shipmates,
> I appreciate all the gratitude for locating and securing the Busbys, I
> really do.  But I believe your thanks are quite premature.  Three
> months from now, when 150 PSUBS members have shiny new Busbys sitting
> on their shelves, and Busby can be found on numerous websites, then
> perhaps you can all sit around and pat me on the back, and tell me
> what a grand fellow I must be.  But as of today, all I have really
> done is to raise a lot of hopes, with wild tales of a mystery shipment
> of "lost Bubsy books", and my "heroic" efforts to track them down over
> several agencies and several states through a sea of government red
> tape.  Please wait until I actually "deliver the goods" before you
> sing my praises.  We aren't home yet.  If this deal falls through, I
> will have a lot of egg on my face...please don't make that worse.
> It isn't over until the fat lady sings.  Although I have good faith
> promises from the Navy and NASA, I still don't have the books.  When I
> have those 600 pounds of Busbys (150 copies times 4 pounds each), the
> fat lady will have sung.  I will let you know when that day comes.
>  But then, I still have to distribute them.  If demand outstrips
> supply (which I will want to determine in advance), I will need a
> method for setting priorities (some balance between "first come-first
> served" and "the greatest good for the greatest number", e.g.,
> libraries and websites take priority over individuals).  And I will
> want input from the group on a fair way to do that.  And even once
> priorities are set, I still have to personally wrap and ship 150
> packages, which could easily take me a month or two (I have a family
> and a day job).  And I will have to decide whether to take personal
> checks, or insist on money orders, or what.  So this will not hap! pen
> overnight.
> For now, I ask you to please "cease and desist" with the "orders" I
> have received for Busbys.  I am not taking orders at this time.  I
> have no books to send...only an IOU from the Navy and NASA...(which I
> consider to be sound).  The logistics have yet to be finalized.  I am
> figuring I will do something like this.  When I receive the Busbys, I
> will announce it to the group.  We can then give the group, say, 15
> days to place orders.  So long as there are more books than orders,
> everyone gets a book.  But if orders exceed books, well, then I would
> like to see some "fair and objective" way to allocate deliveries.  I
> believe that Ray should get all of the books he wants for the future
> PSUBS library...that should be the first priority.  The second
> priority should probably be books to websites and libraries, because
> they will benefit many.  The third priority should perhaps be
> individual PSUBS members.  I am open to sugg! estions.  But I don't
> want those suggestions right now.  Please save them until I announce
> that I have the books in hand...at that point it all becomes real.
> One note on that.  PSUBS "members" will take priority over "outside"
> folks who simply see these postings on our site and want a Busby.
>  That roughly 200 folks on the current mailing list come first.  The
> Navy has agreed to that.  I did not claim to "represent" PSUBS,
> because I don't.  But I did indicate that this PSUBS group would be my
> distribution vehicle.  They agreed.
> I will report back to you when the books arrive on my doorstep.  Until
> then, no more orders, please.  Thanks.  When the time comes for
> orders, everyone will get their fair shot.
> Doug Farrow

"The plain meaning of the right of the people to keep arms is that it is
an individual, rather than a collective, right and is not limited to
keeping arms while engaged in active military service or as a member of
a select militia such as the National Guard." - U.S. vs. Emerson, 5th
Circuit Federal Court- published October 16, 2001