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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book

I would like a copy on Manned Submersibles,please respond with address to send money.
Thanks ,
Mike Caudle
Halifax,Nova Scotia,CANADA
----- Original Message -----
From: SeaLordOne@aol.com
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book


Please let me give you an update on the Busby Book.  I have been negotiating behind the scenes with the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) for over a year now.  As far as copyright goes, NAVO's position is that the book it is in the public domain.   
At one point they offered to provide a link on their own web page to my website, if I would be willing to put the document on my own website.  But they later decided that the document is so out of date that they no longer want to support it in any way.  But they encouraged me to make it available to the public.

Why has it taken me 18 months to report all that to psubs?  Well, establishing the public domain issue only took a few months.  But, more interestingly, my interactions with various Navy personnel over the months led me down an unexpected path.  After digging into this issue for me, one of the librarians indicated that he had heard something about a misplaced shipment of orginal, virgin 1976 Busbys.  

After much sleuthing, and many months, they found a shipment of well over 100 unopened Busbys in a NASA library in Mississippi.  I expect the entire lot to be delivered to me within 30 days.  When I receive then, I will make arrangements to distribute them to psubs members.  The books will be free, but I will probably have to charge $5.00 or something like that for shipping.

Here is the deal I cut with the Navy.  They will give me all of the books for free, with the understanding that I will hand them out for free, and that those who recieve them will not sell them, either.  So if, as I begin to distribute them, I start to see a rash of "excellent condition" Busbys for sale on e-bay, I will be forced by the terms of my agreement to cease distribution.  This is an honor system thing.

I had hoped to make these books available as a Christmas present for psubs, but it looks like they will not arrive until after the first of the year.  Please do not contact the library yourself...it has taken me 18 months to set up this deal, and I don't want anything to upset it at the last minute.

When the books arrive, I will announce them.  I did not want to share this informatin until I had the books in my basement, but since folks are asking, I thought I would share the good news.  It isn't over until the fat lady sings, but my NASA contact sent me an e-mail just yesterday saying that my boxes (our boxes) have been moved from the library to the shipping department.  So please just sit tight on the Busby issue for a month.

Doug Farrow