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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book

This is great news indeed!

If you're making a list (and checking it twice) please put me down for a copy. You can rest 
assured that it won't end up on ebay, you couldn't pry it out of my hands.

Thanks for all your work on this!

Greg Cotton

From:           	SeaLordOne@aol.com
Date sent:      	Fri, 21 Dec 2001 22:46:25 EST
Subject:        	Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book
To:             	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Send reply to:  	personal_submersibles@psubs.org

> Shipmates,
> Please let me give you an update on the Busby Book.  I have been
> negotiating behind the scenes with the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO)
> for over a year now.  As far as copyright goes, NAVO's position is that
> the book it is in the public domain.   At one point they offered to
> provide a link on their own web page to my website, if I would be willing
> to put the document on my own website.  But they later decided that the
> document is so out of date that they no longer want to support it in any
> way.  But they encouraged me to make it available to the public.
> Why has it taken me 18 months to report all that to psubs?  Well, 
> establishing the public domain issue only took a few months.  But, more
> interestingly, my interactions with various Navy personnel over the months
> led me down an unexpected path.  After digging into this issue for me, one
> of the librarians indicated that he had heard something about a misplaced
> shipment of orginal, virgin 1976 Busbys.  
> After much sleuthing, and many months, they found a shipment of well over
> 100 unopened Busbys in a NASA library in Mississippi.  I expect the entire
> lot to be delivered to me within 30 days.  When I receive then, I will
> make arrangements to distribute them to psubs members.  The books will be
> free, but I will probably have to charge $5.00 or something like that for
> shipping.
> Here is the deal I cut with the Navy.  They will give me all of the books
> for free, with the understanding that I will hand them out for free, and
> that those who recieve them will not sell them, either.  So if, as I begin
> to distribute them, I start to see a rash of "excellent condition" Busbys
> for sale on e-bay, I will be forced by the terms of my agreement to cease
> distribution.  This is an honor system thing.
> I had hoped to make these books available as a Christmas present for
> psubs, but it looks like they will not arrive until after the first of the
> year.  Please do not contact the library yourself...it has taken me 18
> months to set up this deal, and I don't want anything to upset it at the
> last minute.
> When the books arrive, I will announce them.  I did not want to share this
> informatin until I had the books in my basement, but since folks are
> asking, I thought I would share the good news.  It isn't over until the
> fat lady sings, but my NASA contact sent me an e-mail just yesterday
> saying that my boxes (our boxes) have been moved from the library to the
> shipping department.  So please just sit tight on the Busby issue for a
> month.
> Doug Farrow