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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Award Nominations


I am still accepting nominations till the end of today (midnight PST).
Tell me who, for what award and why he deserves it.

I will announce the winners on December 31st.

This is what I have so far.  

Best Design of 2001

	Carsten Standfuss - 2 seater
		Unnamed 2 seater tandem, of which he emailed 
		a diagram to the list.	
		I personally dont think there is a better design out there than 	
		Carstens, and he is building it, proving it is buildable.. 
		what a great project.. I think it is the ultimate PSUB, and 
		shows what can be accomplished..
		(sorry, Carsten started in
	Bill Gifford
		A design that proves that, yes, you can use a propane tank.
		Bill has weathered a lot of critism but what PSUBer hasn't.
		Looking good!
Best PSUB of 2001

	Dale Heinzig's Snoopy 
		I have only seen pictures, but it looks like a
		flawlessly executed project. Maximum quality with 
		minimum infrastructure.
		His K-250 Snoopy because it is maybe the only Psub get 
		in service in 2001.
Best Discussion Contributor of 2001

	Carsten Standfuss
		He's tremendously generous with his time, considering 
		how much of it he must need for building his sub. And in 	
		answering, he frequently goes to the trouble of making
		calculations or looking up references. This is definitely 
		the hardest nomination to decide on, because there's a 
		number of very close runner-ups. Hats off!
		I think Carsten again is the best.  We just have to go the 
		the FAQ section, to see who's answers are there.  this proves 
		his answers are knowledgable, and at a level that non 
		professional people can understand..Next go  to the archives 
		to see who has been answering almost every question, at a 
		larger than normal expense to himself too.. (he pays for 
		the ammount of e-mail , not like us, who just pay for 
		an account..)  He does a good job of english, even though 
		he speaks German..His name comes up often, when even talking 
		to others from the site off line (as it did just this 
		morning when I was talking to someone from edmonton 
		about subs...)....also he has never "flamed" anyone 
		to my knowledge.. this speaks about hes courteous manner..

	John Farrington and his girlfriend Monica 
		For the news article witch promote Psubs and his good homepage.

	Gary Boucher
	Phil Nyutten
	Alec Smith
	Michael Holt

Best PSUB of pre-2001
	Pat Regan's Nautilus Minisub
		I love Pat's contempt for convention. This sub really 
		shows how original something can be when its a one-off. No 	
		marketing department would ever have been bold enough to 
		go with this great design.
		Because of the combination of the beautiful shape 
		and that the unit can really dive.

	George Kittredge
		I want to nominate the Kittrege Design subs as they are the 
		most talked about.
	Gary Boucher