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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Reference Material

Has anyone read: "Concepts in Submarine Design" by
Roy Burcher and L.J. Rydill? Forgive my current ignorance since I'm just
discovering all these resources which may be universal reference books that
everyone owns, but I thought I'd ask. If anyone is curious, my true love is
space. But to be honest, I think the seas on our own planet are the new
frontier of the 21st century, but few people realize it yet. Experience in
submarines will go a long way toward understanding spacecraft I think. Both
incorporate full life-support systems and deal with complex engineering
concepts, except subs work in gravity under boyancy rather than in space;
vacuum and no gravity. The problem with subs is that they can implode, and
the problem with spacecraft is that they can explode. Many people want to
skip right to space, but what's under our own oceans, I ask?  Forgive my
babling. Thanks again...

- Jake Lauser