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RSS is Recreational Submarine Systems
I have ambitions of building Submarine and Tender Units for Sale.  The subs 
would be Two-man 1atm tethered to the tender and limited to 100 ft with hard 
wired communications.
After completing RSS1, I realized that it was to difficult to surface the sub 
under the pontoon boat.  I installed two retractable pipes covered with PVC 
that hung down under the boat to guide the sub.  The pilot steered the sub 
under the boat and drove the bow between the guide pipes until the motor 
guards nested against them.  Then by blowing the ballast tanks, while leaving 
the motors running ahead slow, the sub came up right in line with the 
cradles.  This worked good with no wind or current. In an emergency, this 
would be a disaster.  You need to be able to surface away from the tender and 
then drive into the cradles.  This was not possible with the pontoon boat 
that I was using because it had one outboard motor in the center of the boat. 
 The tender for RSS2 will have two motors, one in each pontoon, with the 
center of the stern open wide enough to receive the sub.