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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: AIP [air independant propulsion]

--- AndrePevestorf@aol.com wrote:
> perhaps You can coppy some good ideas from the design of smelting-furnance
> and nuclear reactors...
> maybe itīs possible to use tubes made from pottery and cool them direct with
> water to get steam...
> If you use a continuous process (press the thermite to long sticks e.g.) you
> have no trouble to hold the necessary temperature to ignite the thermite...

Steam generators only get about 30% of the energy input converted to
electricity.  There are losses in creating steam, losses in spinning the
turbine, losses in spinning the coil through the magnets, and losses in the
form of post-turbine condensation still holding heat.  Also lots of moving
parts to break.  Some loss too in any storage battery.

If you could drive a prop directly from the turbine, or better yet vent the
steam directly as a jet-drive, it would be much more efficient.

I don't know how you'd regulate the reaction, though.


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