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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Underwater Anchor System

Hi Vance, I agree .. and there is no reason to have a parachute in 
a sonar glider plane - flight control is a design function, controlling
the flight and landing a pilot's responsibility. There was never a need 
to use my parachute all over the years - but it feels comfortable in my 
seat. :-) 

A submarine or aircraft should be allways under controll of the pilot
- but a technical malfunction can make it nessesary to have a 
parachute - or the bottom.   

There is no area in my diving location (North Sea and Baltic) 
which has a greater deep than my test deep.  

Deep control is a design function, the bottom is one of my backup
and part of the saftey design features for a malfunction in one or more 
of the deep control systems of the sub - and a very cheap one. 

Maybe the SSN 593 are long forgotten and resting on a scrappyard 
if they have had this feature. :-(  

AND: We discuss Psubs - homebuild submarines - I can show you 
- and I am sure you know them, some Psubs which are pretty unsafe, 
build with to low money, or of poor design, made from old material,
or really old himself, or .. - for this sub ..  

I will maybe think different if I have reasons for mid-water research
but at the moment I have no reasons for this kind of research. 

Some nice news from here : 

In 14 days Sabine and I have holidays and will stay 300 statute miles 
south from you and we will make our first together dive - in a 25 Dollar
trip with a 50tie passengers carrier sub. 

The big 4 KW hydraulic pump which I get second hand and has only some
dammages from water inside - runs again - after 18 years lifetime with
10 years silence - and one week manwork in my shop. Will be build in
CSSX for money 
reason - but will only just control the siderudder, the deep controls 
and all dive and regulator tank valves.. 

see you and greetings  - Carsten

VBra676539@aol.com schrieb:
> Ed,
> Good submarining? You'll find most of the oceans are to hell and gone deeper
> than all but a small handful of subs can reach. Doesn't stop all the
> mid-water research, nor does it stop the various world's navies from going
> here, there and everywhere. Depth control is a design function, controlling
> depth a pilot's responsibility. Thinking about the bottom is a ground
> pounder's worry. Design and build well, and play the game by the rules, and
> your sub can operate safely anywhere. To get anywhere at all, one takes the
> first step. If it's a 50' vertical step, or a 350' step, so be it. Just be
> safe, plan the dives and dive the plans. Simple.
> Vance