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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Telling Terrorist stories around the national campfire

--- David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net> wrote:
> Am I missing something, or is this utterly, hilariously absurd? The Bionic
> Dolphin is a basically a "toy" in the same basic family as jet skis only way
> cooler - a little enclosed boat that can dive, right? Well, what are they
> imagining? A fleet of terrorists in these things, sneaking into a harbor and
> planting bombs? These people are confusing reality with 007 movies, I think.

Absurd, maybe.  Impossible, maybe not.

Three to five guys with box knives collapsed a 1,000 foot building, and half an
hour later another group collapsed the one next door, and ditto re the other
attacks that day.  A similar number sank the USS Cole with a bomb on a dinghy. 
Oklahoma city and embassies and the apartment building in Saudi Arabia and so
forth were done with common garden-variety trucks.

These folks seek out, and sometimes find, the gaps in our armor.  They prey on
and exploit these little openings.  This is the scariest part, they are like
computer hackers but in the physical, real world.  Way too real.

I don't want to get all paranoid or spread paranoia.  But as PSUBers we should
be aware that these vessels can be used for evil, just as they can be used for 
science, for commerce, or for fun - and that there may be people about these
days who have that intention.  Heck, there is reason to believe that
cropdusters have been targetted, so why not psubs?  Be careful.

And let's be honest here.  The Bionic Dolphin is one of the coolest ones out
there!  If *I* had an incredibly wealthy sponsor buying *ME* toys, I'd put a BD
on *MY* wishlist, and I'm a GoodGuy.


"Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
          - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)

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