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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] overall design question

Tom, Kittredge plans have been modified to allow two conning towers. Years ago a dive shop owner in Hong Kong built a K-250 (acrylic dome hatch) with double towers. And my first sub was an Amersub 300 which also had twin conns. Don't like them much, to tell the truth. It's a lot of weight on top when you are surfaced, for instance. And you can't get close enough to watch the little things on the bottom, either. With your wings, the line of sight is moved even further out (looks like 7-8 feet or so from side port to bottom). In 15 to 25 foot viz, that means what you are looking at is going to be pretty fuzzy. I guess it all depends on what your intentions are. Even so, I'm happy to hear of someone actually underway with another sub. Keep it up and stay in touch. You aren't all that far from me so maybe we can gather up one day and shoot the breeze over a brew. Vance
In a message dated Sat, 15 Sep 2001  7:31:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Floridarobots@aol.com writes:

> In a message dated 9/14/01 10:58:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, VBra676539@aol.com writes:  
> Tom M,  
> Any particular reason for two conning towers and the wind structure? And why have them so far aft?  
> Best Regards,  
> Vance  
> Vance, I liked what Karl Stanley did with his sub. The reason for 2 towers is the sub is very small, I wanted a small displacement to ease its use. Two towers so both people can view.....simply put.  
> The 'wings', are for MBT,air supply,suface ballast.....